Yesterday I saw my plastic surgeon. She glanced at my scar, said it was fine, and told me to come back in another 3 weeks. She also okayed my sleeping without the binder, reminded me that the binder should be pulled down to cover the scar area, and said that I could start getting a little more exercise. "Like yoga?!" I asked excitedly. "Exactly." WooHoo!
When I hit week 2, I decided to start walking outside (instead of just shuffling inside). I was still pretty hunched over, but I put on my sneakers and looked down the block. I started in the direction that has a slight incline, then quickly changed my mind and went the shorter, flatter way. To the corner and back, and I was winded. Since then, I've about doubled the distance every day.
Well, last night I noticed my faaaaavorite yoga teacher's class was starting today. She is incredible and inspiring, and I've been going to her for 7 years (with time off to give birth a couple of times). Today alone, she was teaching 5 yoga classes. The woman is in her mid-seventies and in dynamite shape! I put myself in her beginners class, cinched on my binder, and off I went.
My best piece of advice on recovery is that you should focus on what you can do, not what you can't do. Though I spent half the class sitting in a chair, I was amazed at what my body can accomplish already. It was especially weird laying on my back. Even with knees bent, I felt like I had spandex on the inside! I know this tightness will ease, just as my hunchback is lessening every day. It felt amazing just to be able to do anything other than sit on the sofa. I've seen on other websites that some people go back to work just 2 weeks after surgery. Though my body is healing well, there's just no way I would have been able to do that.
Be sure to relax, let your body do it's thing, and breathe. Namaste.